This month alone I've purchased hairsprays from Ojon, Tresemme, Sunsilk and Dove. The only one I kind of like is Ojon - guess it makes sense that it's the most expensive...
I know we should just do a beauty minute, but I still haven't figured out how to upload videos from my new iPhone. To be totally honest, I think we've just been lazy with the blog (sorry).
For years now, Nathalie and I have been reading about the wonders of L'Oreal's Elnett Satin Hairspray. Only available in Europe for years and recently sold in the United States, it was frustrating for us because it wasn't sold in Canada.
Imagine our excitement when we found out that it's being sold on home turf for the first time at Shoppers Drug Mart. It's selling for $14.99 and if the reviews are of any indication, I'm sure it's worth every penny. We both tried a bit in our hair, and the strands look shinier and healthier (no lie). We both bought full size bottles and we'll fill you in when we've got time to use it and see its full potential.
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